Saved energy in industry

Saved energy
Geen Optim

Our GEEN Optim programme by GEEN Development a.s. will take you through the process of energy saving optimisation. From a thorough analysis of the company to implementation of the recommended cost-saving measures.

Energy audit

An energy audit is a report that provides a comprehensive analysis of your company's energy management, the aim of which is to choose measures that will effectively reduce its energy intensity.

What we take into account in the analysis:
  • electricity
  • heat
  • water
  • waste management
  • cooling
  • produced and purchased electricity
In the energy audit report:
  • based on the analysis, we will assess the current condition on the site
  • we will propose the economically and energetically most optimal measures for saving
  • we prepare a conceptual solution for long-term cost reduction
  • we design projects, and we can also help you acquire financing through General Energy Leasing s.r.o. or government subsidies

LED lighting

Our LED lighting system is so advanced that it can provide the necessary visual comfort at a fraction of the cost that business spend on their current lighting. Modern automation and lighting control technology make these savings even more pronounced.

Advantages of LED lighting:

  • up to 60% lower electricity consumption
  • the visual comfort required by the environment
  • 5-year warranty
  • environment friendliness
  • up to 70 000 hours of lighting time
  • automated operation

Complete automation is set to meet operating times, and it enables:

  • switching on and off
  • dimming
  • setting up scenes and dynamic scenarios
  • online section control as needed

Boiler rooms

Timely boiler room modernisation saves money and energy. We propose the best boiler room type and size based on a thorough analysis. In large complexes, we recommend decentralisation of boiler rooms for lower heat transfer losses and a better overview of energy consumption.

We implement 'turnkey' solutions for modern heat sources, including steam generators. If you don't want to finance and manage the boiler room yourself, we can take over the project for you and just supply the heat.

Types of supplied boiler rooms:

  • hot water
  • gas
  • oil
  • biomass boiler rooms
  • stationary and container

Cogeneration units

Cogeneration units are highly efficient due to the efficient use of heat generated in the production of electricity.

The location of the cogeneration unit at the point of energy consumption eliminates some of the cost of electricity (or heat) distribution. It also minimises heat transfer energy losses.

Energy for emergencies

In the event of a power failure, cogeneration acts as a backup energy source.

Heating and cooling

Do you also need cooling for technological purposes or air conditioning? We can connect an absorption cooling unit to the cogeneration unit module.



Why waste energy that you can use further? Recuperation allows you to use waste heat for heating or hot water. We can measure the potential of flue gas and other heat sources and propose their optimal utilisation.

Advantages of the solution:

  • 30% to 50% heating savings
  • minimal spatial requirements
  • lower operating costs
  • simple installation
  • quick return on investment

Types of heat exchangers offered:

  • plate and tube heat exchangers
  • rotary and fixed-matrix heat exchangers
  • fluid circuits
  • heat pipes
  • active systems - heat pumps
  • capillary thermostats, enthalpy plate heat exchangers

Technical and economic report

TER is a technical and economic report that assesses a building (complex) with regard to the technical and economic complexity and energy saving measures from different perspectives.

In the TER we propose measures and choose the most energetically suitable variant to optimise energy consumption.

The TER identifies energy leaks and opportunities to save in these areas:

  • building envelope
  • saving LED lighting
  • heat recovery and recuperation
  • change in electricity and gas tariffs
  • your own combined energy production (cogeneration units)
  • your own electricity production

Operation of energy sources

For customers who don't want to worry about service and supervision of heat and electricity sources, we offer a comprehensive solution for the operation of these systems. We have experience with the operation of our own hydropower plants and photovoltaic power stations, as well as cogeneration units, biomass combustion plants and regular boilers. This makes us the right partner for your energy source.

We offer:

  • Technical evaluation of the condition of systems, optimisation suggestions, or the construction of a completely new source
  • Continuous monitoring thanks to our supervision centre
  • Maintenance and service of equipment
  • Energy purchasing
  • Backup energy sources for the event of a power failure
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