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The Županja power plant is the second project of the Brno-based GEEN group.

The Županja power plant is the second project of the Brno-based GEEN group. This biomass combustion power plant with a capacity of 4.93 MW completed its trial operation in late 2019, which confirmed the project parameters. This plant is similar to the power plant in Benkovac, operated by GEEN in Croatia since 2018. The market value of the Županja power plant investment is CZK 1 bln., and the Czech company based in Brno will get its investment back within 5 years

For more information, visit: https://www.stavebniserver.com/zpravodajstvi/vytapeni-tzb/ceske-energeticke-skupine-geen-se-v-chorvatsku-dari

The Županja power plant is the second project of the Brno-based GEEN group. This biomass combustion power plant with a capacity of 4.93 MW completed its trial operation in late 2019, which confirmed the project parameters. This plant is similar to the power plant in Benkovac, operated by GEEN in Croatia since 2018. The market value of the Županja power plant investment is CZK 1 bln., and the Czech company based in Brno will get its investment back within 5 years

For more information, visit: https://www.stavebniserver.com/zpravodajstvi/vytapeni-tzb/ceske-energeticke-skupine-geen-se-v-chorvatsku-dari

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