How much support are photovoltaics receiving?

How much support are photovoltaics receiving?
The Czech people have a positive attitude towards renewable sources; energy from renewable sources is one of their priorities.

A few weeks ago we wrote about the opinion of Czech people on renewable sources. They view it as a positive thing, and energy from renewable sources is one of their priorities: our priorities. We also believe solar power to be one of the safest, right after wind power. So why is there such a fuss about support for photovoltaics lately? The 29 billion crowns that the state can use to support solar energy production will allegedly end up in a black hole. Is it really so unprofitable an investment as it is presented?

A new study by EY has shown that half of the 29 billion crown support will be returned to the government in taxes and other fees and levies paid by solar energy companies. That's a total of 14.1 billion crowns flowing into public budgets, of which 6.9 billion are tax levies to the state budget, and the remaining 7.2 billion crowns are employee levies, revenues of municipalities and other income.

Despite all this, the government approved a decision to reduce support for solar power plants to the minimum level stipulated by the European Commission. This should allow the government to save 7-10 billion crowns per year. On the other hand, there is the government's energy and climate plan that envisages an increase in the installed capacity of photovoltaic power stations by up to 1900 MW by 2030. But the installed capacity of solar power plants has been stagnating since 2012. The times of solar barons are long gone, and thousands of regular households and companies that took out a loan in the recent past to invest in ecological energy production now find themselves in a difficult situation, not by their own fault, but because of the mistakes of their government. Our government.

A few weeks ago we wrote about the opinion of Czech people on renewable sources. They view it as a positive thing, and energy from renewable sources is one of their priorities: our priorities. We also believe solar power to be one of the safest, right after wind power. So why is there such a fuss about support for photovoltaics lately? The 29 billion crowns that the state can use to support solar energy production will allegedly end up in a black hole. Is it really so unprofitable an investment as it is presented?

A new study by EY has shown that half of the 29 billion crown support will be returned to the government in taxes and other fees and levies paid by solar energy companies. That's a total of 14.1 billion crowns flowing into public budgets, of which 6.9 billion are tax levies to the state budget, and the remaining 7.2 billion crowns are employee levies, revenues of municipalities and other income.

Despite all this, the government approved a decision to reduce support for solar power plants to the minimum level stipulated by the European Commission. This should allow the government to save 7-10 billion crowns per year. On the other hand, there is the government's energy and climate plan that envisages an increase in the installed capacity of photovoltaic power stations by up to 1900 MW by 2030. But the installed capacity of solar power plants has been stagnating since 2012. The times of solar barons are long gone, and thousands of regular households and companies that took out a loan in the recent past to invest in ecological energy production now find themselves in a difficult situation, not by their own fault, but because of the mistakes of their government. Our government.

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